Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Epileptologie (ÖGfE) - vormals "Österreichische Sektion der ILAE" - ist bestrebt, die Erforschung der Epilepsie mit allen ihren Auswirkungen zu fördern, um die Voraussetzungen für einen weiteren Ausbau der Behandlung und sozialen Betreuung Epilepsie-kranker Menschen zu schaffen.*

Mitglied werden


Wichtige Informationen & Fortbildungstermine

Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Epileptologie möchte Sie auf eine neue e-learning Plattform zur Weiterbildung im Bereich der Epileptologie aufmerksam machen, welche von der ÖGfE als Fortbildungsmöglichkeit sehr empfohlen wird: 

The virtual ILAE Academy opened July 6th, 2020. It is a newly developed e-learning platform for all healthcare professionals worldwide who diagnose and treat epilepsy. We kindly ask you to disseminate the attached information to all of your members. The ILAE Education council will also offer a special discount for ILAE chapters, e.g. when >10, >50, or >100 users will enroll to the full course package for Level 1. Please contact us at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. for any further information.

Modified from the ILAE newsletter text (to be disseminated amongst all of your ILAE chapter members) The ILAE Academy opened July 6th, 2020, and proudly presents a series of highly interactive, practice-oriented and self-paced online courses. Be first to enroll in 15 realistic case-based e-learning modules for most common epilepsies* developed by our ILAE experts, as well as our series of 50 ebrain sessions, the new interactive  MRI teaching platform with textbook, exercises and cases and 10 histopathology tutorials for most common brain lesions. We invite you to start working on your competencies for the entry level of Epileptology covering all learning objectives for Level 1 according to the ILAE curriculum (see Blumcke et al. 2019; doi: 10.1684/epd.2019.1039), track your progress and earn a certificate.

Explore the current course portfolio at www.ilae-academy.org, register TODAY and take advantage of our special launching discounts**.

Please enjoy this new e-learning experience for Epileptology and see Beniczky et al. 2020 (doi: 10.1684/epd.2020.1157) for more information regarding ILAE’s entire e-learning program.


* 6 cases are currently accessible via the ILAE Academy featuring the online case discussion forum to meet with peers and ask the expert; all 15 cases will be made available until end of 2020.

**please explore our promotion for resource-poor countries, bursaries, ‘try before you buy’, and the Level 1 full package discount, available for a short time only!





Hermanngasse 18/1/4, 1070 Wien
T: +43 (0)1 890 3474
E: oegfe@studio12.co.at

Chapter Member der ILAE

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